CivCraft Wiki

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CivCraft Wiki

A Global Market.

Structure Information
Chunk Area: 2x2
Required Technology: Global Trade
Build Cost: 10,000 Coins
Base Upkeep Cost Per Day: 1,250 Coins
Hammer Cost: 3,600
Civ Points: 3,500
Hit Points: 200
Limit Per Town: 1
Special: Global Trading


The Market is used to buy and sell items, and it acts as a virtual item store. The item prices are linked across the entire server and change depending on supply and demand. The global market is one of the best ways to earn coins in the game early on, as it allows residents to sell the excess materials they've gathered and also buy the materials they may need.

Modifiers and Effects
Happiness Generates 1 extra Happiness
Trade Income Generates 10% more trade income

How It Works[]

The market works like a stock market. One can sell items to the virtual "item storage" of all of the items in the market. The more someone sells, the cheaper it becomes. This makes it easy to obtain common materials needed to craft higher tier items. Additionally, it allows you to sell off your excess materials that may be produced from farms, pastures, and other ways. Since these items are in demand by players for numerous reasons, you can attempt to make a living off of farming and ranching, rather than just mining. Sugar cane farms are frequently used as a quick way to get some money by members of a civilization, mainly due to the ease of farming it, automating farms, and not having to replant every single time. Other players also sell unused bread, carrots, and potatoes that they have as many players buy these to feed their cottage income.

How to Use[]

Inside the market there are signs which allows you to buy or sell an item. You can buy(and sell) items per 1 but also per stack(64). By left clicking the sign you can interact with them thus buying and selling items

Items In The Market - Main Items[]

  • Cobblestone
  • Clay
  • Coal
  • Flint
  • Crafted Reeds (Custom Item)
  • String
  • Leather
  • Feather
  • Nether Wart
  • Bones
  • Logs (Oak, Spruce, Birch, and Jungle are together, Acacia and Dark Oak are on another side)
  • Tungsten Ore (Custom Item)
  • Chromium Ore (Custom Item)
  • Gunpowder
  • Gravel
  • Stone Brick
  • Mossy Brick
  • Cracked Brick
  • Chiseled Brick
  • Sponge
  • Prismarine
  • Prismarine Brick
  • Dark Prismarine
  • Sea Lantern
  • Polished Stones (Granite, Diorite, and Andesite)
  • Lapis Block
  • Wool (All Colors)

Items In The Market - Natural Items[]

  • Saplings (All Types)
  • Bread
  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Pumpkin
  • Melon
  • Raw Fish
  • Raw Salmon
  • Raw Beef
  • Raw Chicken
  • Raw Rabbit

See Also[]

Tutorials Town Mechanics Civ Mechanics Defensive Structures Town Structures Tile Improvements Wonders Units Command Reference